PitPat sell a GPS tracker, dog activity monitor, dog food and insurance. The tracker and activity monitor communicate with an app on your mobile and they ultimately mean you know where your dog is and just how much exercise, play and rest they’re getting. They both give your dog a tailored exercise goal based on their age, weight and breed and let you know if you hit your goal.
I met PitPat in 2017 and our relationship really took off in 2018. I was creating product packaging, print materials and I designed and animated 20 badges which were released on the app throughout 2019 for hitting goals. Since 2020, I’ve worked with the team on a weekly basis. Here you can see a brief snapshot of some of the things I’ve worked on, from packaging for the food range to the GPS tracker launched in 2022. In the last five years, I’ve designed many more badges in the app, created brochures exploring the full PitPat range, produced visuals for social media content and much more. It’s great helping to deliver a consistent brand identity (including copy across concepts) and watch the company grow year-on-year.
Promo materials for veterinary surgeries across the UK
PitPat Life postal box, membership card and dog tag
Here, you can see my designs for the PitPat Life postal box, membership cards and dog tag. I’ll admit these are mockups, but hopefully I can get my hands on the printed products and take some shots of the real things! The final version of the postal box was a little different, with a tear strip and tabs to keep the contents in place. The box will nest the PitPat device itself as well as treats, membership card and tag, and sent out to new members.
Perhaps my biggest technical challenge yet, PitPat approached me with a brief for more than 20 animated badges for use on their PitPat app. These would be rewarded at certain stages in the customer’s journey. I had to provide all as json files, ensuring they worked across different mobile platforms. Any motion designers immersed in After Effects will curl up at the thought of not being able to use Effects. You heard me right! It does have the benefit of keeping things simple and file sizes down for speedier load times. This is just a couple of stills of the gallery with awareded badges in situ, but stay tuned for more.

App badge preview